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Historical background of Maximalism.

Art is a transcendent reality to existing actuality, yet paradoxically is a part of а cognizable reality of our world. It is absolutely integrated into civilizational processes and exists as a form of culture, in the broad sense, in the guides of civilization, along with religion, politics, science... has an impact on humanity, being the invention of Man.

I see existence as a system governed by certain rules, but I cannot imagine life totally lacking any system. In this regard, I think it is necessary to release into the world of Art, and consequently into Existing Actuality, through artistic gestures, statements that produce the meaning of such quality and content of information, that is not available for production by non – artistic means, such as television, social networks and other media similar to these, in fact and in form.

For the fact that today, in the era of "Hyperreality" Television, Advertising, the Internet (social networking Facebook, Instagram, and others) release realistic images, which are multiplied infinitely, producing excess of realistic information, that creates a strong sense of oversaturation of reality by realism. At the heart of this situation is the instinctive human need for information, as in getting food, because information, like food, produces certain types of energy, different in fact, but necessary for a person to function normally as such.

Based on the above, for my own creativity, for what is traditionally called fine art, I reject realism as a form of information transmitter by the means of artistic practices! And declare MAXIMALISM.

Maximalism deals with the quality of information for the production of human energy, and it is based on the principle of minimizing energy costs - to say as little as possible, saying as much as possible…
The tool for expression in Maximalism is a geometric mathematical figure, or a natural object, which are transformed, passing the phase of abstraction with the least changes, until they reach the stage of maximum clarity of expression, statements, transmitting new concept to the world…

Maximalism is a method of creating works of art by means of conceptual symbols that convey a universal meaning, which has an information value within the phenomena of human perception. As V. Kandinsky defined it – “an element of pure and eternal art that passes through all people, through all nationalities and through all times; this element can be seen in the artwork of every artist, every nation and every era; as the main element of art, it knows neither space nor time.”

Maximalism becomes a form of purification of human mentality cleaning out the “realistic” information, which nowadays is a civilization reality, converted by contemporary into "Hyperreality". For the artist it actualizes in the act of creation, for the viewer - in the act of viewing. Maximalism is a meditation, a way of self-purification from the overdose of meaningless information. Information - a stroke, point, line, spot, sound, gasp, etc ... Any gesture in the space of art, just the same as in the space of Existing Actuality, is a File - a minimal information element that accumulates and transmits energy. Maximalism is the optimization of all means of artistic expression and a very careful and tactful use of any of them, such as points, lines, spots and others…

The Principles of Maximalism

From monumentalism to minimalism, from concrete to abstract. The time of metamorphosis and great transformations. The solution of minimalistic tasks in the maximum, as well as maximalistic in the minimum.
Maximalism – the method of abstraction from the natural and the human to the artistic, with the goal of creating a semantic sign, conceptual object, to retrieve the meaning from the feelings and the feelings from meaning.

Formalizing the material
A sensually intelligent mechanism starts the process of transformation of form and material, under the influence of the artist's efforts, a simple geometric (mathematical) figure or natural material turns into a "semantic rebus" - into a living work of art. According to the same principles, as the realistic is transformed into the abstract, as life is transformed into death, and death into life... ("the Principle of internal necessity" according to Kandinsky contains an element of the Divine) 

Maximalism, producing highly creative energy, has its Maximas like a charge of electric current, carrying the energy to a Man, works in conditions of a presence of two opposites in one – "+" and "-" and differentiates all kinds of dual categories. An example of such dualities are material opposites: wood - metal, plastic opposites: round - square, technical opposites: man-made - natural, spatial opposites: empty - filled and all others… 
Maximalism creates signs that do not exist either in nature or in mathematics, although resembling them externally, due to the fact that the objects of Maximalism are their abstractions.

Maximalism - the quintessence of the necessary, the maximum generalization and abstraction. Maximalism is a way of transformation a geometric body or a natural object into an artistic conceptual object. Take a material that already has given shape and properties and make such an effort (no more, no less – on the Principle of internal necessity) to create an Object that minimally changes the shape of a geometric body or material, but which at the same time would obtain a maximum expressive meaning. There is nothing superfluous in the works of Maximalism!!! In music there are no random sounds, in a literary work - meaningless descriptions, in cinematic frame-there is nothing extraneous…
And the purity of Art will come!
And the purity of Reality is possible!
And the purity of Mentality will arrive!
Long live the pure Spirit of MAXIMALISM!!!

16.12.2018 Minsk, Maxim Piatrul